Name * First Name Last Name Best email for communication * Mobile * Food allergies or preferences eg Vegetarian, Vegan (how strict), LCHF (how strict especially on multi day training) Rooming I'm fine with twin share I'd like my own room (additional cost) Medical issues we need to know about Massage -Do you want during the camp? Massage will be $50 for a 30-40min flush 0 1 2 3 4 Sports nutrition requirements We will have Pure sport nutrition but need help on how much to supply. There will be plenty of other "normal" foods and plenty of Em's Power Cookies I'll bring my own I'll use gels and drink I'll use drink only Breakfast We will supply bread, cereal, fruit, peanut butter, eggs, yogurt, milk, coffee and tea. What other specifics would you like for breakfast? During big rides nutrition what do you normally eat Post training nutrition What do you normally eat directly after training ie lunch or late lunch Flight details Inbound - include date, time, flight number and where your final flight is coming from. Outbound - we just need date and time Emergency contact * First Name Last Name Emergency contact number Swim 400m max effort time If you feel you did not put in your best effort when you did a TT round your time down. Hour Minute Second AM PM Approximate Ironman Bike Time On a course like ironman NZ. If you have not done an Ironman double your half time and add 15-20mins Hour Minute Second AM PM Run 5km TT (fresh) This is your current 5km PB not something you set 15 years ago. Hour Minute Second AM PM Any other comments you have to help us look after you Thank you!